Friday 7 February 2014

Choice of Images: Front Cover

Front Cover Image

I have used this image for my front page because it has attitude. The picture emphasises the articles quote "Music is Stale, We're the Future". The quote is very aloof and blunt, and this is reflected in the stern glares of the models.

I posed the models in this way to reflect the name of the band, and also to show different character traits in my models. The band is called Two Toned because they are a mixed genre band - Metal and Indie Rock. The posing of my models and their costumes create a juxtaposition. Free, my model in the foreground is wearing a Metallica shirt and has a Heavy Metal style. This contrasts with Will, who is wearing more indie style clothing, with a denim jacket and tie died T shirt. Free is stood in front of Will, which connotes that the she is the front woman of the band. Will is however taller than free, and this presence shows that he has equal importance in the band although he is in the background. I posed the models in this way to reflect the name of the band, and also to show different character traits in my models.

I also chose this image because it was easier to edit, mainly cropping out the background. I shot my photograph with the models standing in front of a white background, so this made editing an easier process. The picture was shot with good lighting, shining onto my models facial features and highlighting them. This, coupled with edited brightness and contrast, creates a striking, eye catching image.

I instructed my models to use direct gaze towards the camera. This catches the eyes of the audience, drawing them to my magazine.

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