Tuesday 10 December 2013

Photo Inspirations 2

This photo shoot of All Time Low utilises bright colours instead of neutral and drab colours like the others. This connotes the band as more light hearted and serious. Like all the others, the band are using direct address, but this time they are making less serious faces. 

You me at Six are posed in the same way as the other bands. The members are spread out facing the audience with neutral faces. The band are wearing denim jackets, tying the band together for a uniform look. The frontman is in the foreground and the middle, drawing attention to him and catching the readers eyes.

This Green Day photo shoot makes use of leather jackets as a defining feature. Each member is wearing a jacket and it gives the band a uniform look. The front man is posed in the foreground as with other photos. This gives him the impression of being taller and more important. There is a green tinge to the photo, which connotes the band's name, Green Day. Two members of the band are wearing striped shirts which tie them together as a band.

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