Thursday 7 November 2013

Research and Findings Continued

Mode Of Address
Mode of Address is the way that the magazine addresses the audience. For example, if the main image is of a person looking straight at the reader, it is a direct mode of address. This draws in the reader because the image is at eye level. If the person is looking towards the side of the magazine, it will draw the reader to the cover lines on the side of the magazine.

House Style
A magazine's house style is the main theme that runs throughout the magazine. The House style ties the magazine to the brand by utilising the same colours across every issue, or uses the same colours for one specific issue in the case of exclusive issues. This magazine has a house style that uses blue, red and white

Strap line
A Strap line is a smaller headline attached to the Masthead or Main cover line. These give more of an insight into the contents of the article.

Main Cover line
The Main Cover Line is the main article on a page. Main cover lines are bigger than cover lines, and often use a different font or colour scheme to make them stand out.

Main Image
The main image is the most prominent image on the front cover, and is usually placed in the centre with the cover lines placed to the side

Cover line
Cover lines are used to show what contents is in the magazine. Content used in cover lines is not as important as the main image or main coverline, but still an important part of the magazine/

Date and Price
The date and price are sometimes placed on the barcode, or placed near the top of the magazine next to the masthead.

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