Monday 27 January 2014


I have improved my front cover in many ways. 

  • I made my image larger, making it fill more of the empty space and also increasing the focus on the models. I did this after consulting my style model, Kerrang! magazine.
  • I utilised a house style. I used Red, Grey, White and Black on my cover, and will use this theme throughout the magazine. This creates a uniform look in my magazine, and it becomes easily recognisable on shop shelves
  • I have named my magazine. I settled on the name Teenage Dirtbag because it fits well with my genre and target audience. It is also the name of a popular song by the band Wheatus, a alternative rock band which is a part of my magazine's genre.
  • I have added a selling line to my magazine. This selling line helps to advertise my magazine to my audience. "The UK's best selling alternative magazine" shows that my magazine is of good quality, and also advertises the genre on the front page.

Tuesday 14 January 2014


This is my template for my front cover. I have started to add to the cover, following the conventions of a Music Magazine. Features included in my template are
  • Masthead
  • Logo
  • Selling Line
  • Main Image
  • Direct Mode of Address
  • Main coverline
  • Barcode
  • Cover Photos
I will be adding a refining my magazine, but by creating a template I can easily edit specific parts.